Communication Model (Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association)

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CPMHA Communication Model

It's important that all players, parents, and team management follow the appropriate communications model, particularly in challenging situations, or when dealing with issues within or amongst the teams, or regarding opposing teams or game officials.

  • The first point of contact for any issues, questions, concerns, or points for consideration must always be the Head Coach, or the Team Manager if the Head Coach is directly involved in the issue or concern. The Head Coach and/or Team Manager should reach out to their level Convenor at any time for support or information, or if they cannot resolve the issue themselves.

  • Should you wish to reach out to the CPMHA Executive after speaking with the Head Coach, or Team Manager regarding a specific incident that violates the CPMHA Code of Conduct, or the HEO/Hockey Canada rules and regulations, you must use the incident reporting form. The form will be reviewed by the CPMHA President, Director of Risk and Safety, VP Hockey Operations, and VP Admin. This may be completed before 24 hours has passed (see 24-hour rule below).

  • The CPMHA President should never be contacted directly by any player, parents, or team management member without having first used the approved communications process.

  • Likewise, concerns, issues, and questions should never be brought to the attention of the league (LCMHL), HEO division (D4), HEO, or Hockey Canada without first having attempted to resolve via the CPMHA communications model.

The 24-Hour Rule

It is important that players, parents, and volunteers follow the "24-hour rule": take a step back and don't do anything until 24 hours have passed, and any emotions have subsided. More information on communications, and the '24-hr' rule can be found in the CPMHA E-mail Policy