Stuart Robinson
1) Shall preside at all Annual, Special and General Meetings of the CPMHA, and shall only vote in case of a tie. They shall generally perform the duties usual to the office of President and may, at their discretion, order the calling of meetings of the CPMHAorits committees, and must call a meeting at the request of at least three (3) members of the Executive.
2) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all CPMHA Committees. By virtue of their position, they shall be a voting member of the HEO Minor or its District Committee.
3) Shall exercise, in addition to their own authority conferred upon them by the Constitution and Bylaws, all duties and powers of the Executive when it is impossible for the President to obtain a vote of the Executive in case of emergency, it being understood that such actions as may have been taken be referred to the Executive as soon as possible for approval or rejection at the next Regular or Special Meeting.
4) The President shall coordinate and delegate the activities of all Executive positions in the administration of the CPMHA program.
5) Shall be one of the second cheque-signing officers.
6) Shall represent CPMHA at all HEO Minor league meetings or appoint another member of the Executive to fulfill this function who will vote as directed by the CPMHAExecutive when required to vote at League Meetings.
7) Must resign from this position should they be elected to the League Executive.
8) Shall sign all contracts and engagements on behalf of the Association.
9) Ontermination of the term of office, all correspondence, records, and materials incidental to the office are to be turned over to the successor within thirty (30) days.Steve Valardo
1. In the absence of the President or in the case of the President’s inability or unwillingness to act, perform all duties pertinent to the office of the President.
2. Render such assistance to the President as may be required. a. Assist the President, Coach Mentor, Director Risk and Safety, and Convenors with the operational activities of the CPMHA, including by addressing and resolving issues and challenges. b. Develop an association Development Plan.
3. Review HEO policies.
4. In consultation with the President, set registration caps for all levels.
5. Develop an evaluation plan.
6. Assist Ice Scheduler with setting conditioning and evaluation dates.
7. Create Conditioning and evaluation spreadsheets and ensure coaches are available for conditioning and evaluations, convenor’s are to assist in populating spreadsheets.
8. Review coach applications and create spreadsheets for each level of available coaches and share with convenors.
9. Assist with evaluations and address any anomalies.
10. Once teams are formed, in consultation with the President and coach mentor select CPMHA coaches.
11. Assist Convenors with personal issues within their level.
12. Assist in the development and approve tournament schedules.
13. Be present for CPMHA hosted tournaments.
14. Assist tournament coordinator as required.Jane Cameron
1. The Second Vice President (Administration) shall be responsible for overseeing the administrative activities of the CPMHA. These activities include but are not limited to.
a. Maintaining and updating the CPMHA Constitution and Bylaws as needed;
b. Developing and maintaining a common look and feel for all CPMHA documents, presentations, webpages and social media platforms and updating those artifacts as needed;
c. Working with the Webmaster to ensure the CPMHA website and social media platforms have the most up to date information, including documents, presentations, and links;
d. Working with the Webmaster to ensure the CPMHA website and social media platforms have the most up to date information, including documents, presentations, and links;
e. Coordinating fundraising and sponsorship;
f. Work with registrar and level convenors to assist with managerial requirements.
2. The Second Vice President (Administration) shall, in the absence of the President and First Vice President (Hockey Operations), or in the case of the President’s or First Vice President’s (Hockey Operations) inability or unwillingness to act, perform all duties pertinent to the office of the President.Patti Steinhoff
1. Record, transcribe, and distribute the minutes of all Executive, Special and Annual General Meetings.
2. The Secretary shall ensure that notices of all Annual General Meetings or Special Meetings are posted and advertised at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the said meeting.
3. Collect committee minutes and make them available to the Executive upon request.
4. Arrange meeting places and notify all who should attend.
5. Maintain and publish a current listing of all members of the Executive.
6. Maintain the filing system for all CPMHA records, including past records. Maintain archives of all documents necessary to provide an accurate historical perspective on the operations of the Association.
7. Update the Ontario Registry to reflect the Directors and Officers appointments or removals as required.
8. Receive duly presented requests for amendment(s) to the Constitution, and post as required.
9. Coordinate the production of printed or electronic material at the request of the Executive or the President.
10. On termination of the term of office, all correspondence, records, and materials incidental to the office are to be turned over to the successor within thirty (30) days.Angela Roy
1. The Treasurer shall have charge of all books pertaining to the financial business of the CPMHAandall books incidental to the association. The Treasurer shall have care and custody of the funds of the CPMHA and deposit the same in the name of the CPMHA in such bank or banks as the Executive may direct. The Treasurer shall also have care and custody of the securities of the CPMHA.
2. Shall be a co-signing authority for the bank accounts along with the President, Vice-President; Operations, and Vice-President; Administration.
3. The Treasurer shall, together with another board member who has bank signing authority physically sign all cheques. All electronic payments must be processed in the banking app ScotiaConnect. All new “recipients” set up by the treasurer require an electronic approval from another member with signing authority. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments require an electronic approval from another member with signing authority prior to sending the EFT payment. E Transfers require approval (via email) from another member with signing authority prior to sending the E transfer payment to the recipient.
4. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed to the satisfaction of the Auditors.
5. The Treasurer shall coordinate and prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive.
6. The Treasurer shall, with the approval of the Executive, invest surplus CPMHA funds as per subsection 4.02 Investments.
7. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report giving the receipts and disbursements of that year and shall present such report at the Annual General Meeting. Copies of the report shall be made available to all members attending the Annual General Meeting
8. Ontermination of the term of office, the Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of all outstanding bills and the closing of all books to the end of the fiscal year, March 31st. All correspondence, records and materials incidental to the office are to be turned over to the successor within ninety (90) days.
9. Maintaining proper monthly records include reconciling the bank account monthly, maintaining accounting records, ensuring financial controls are in place, ensuring registration fees are reconciled with the correct member. Provide monthly financial statements: statement of operations, statement of financial position and statement of flows at an executive meeting. If a bookkeeper/accountant is used the treasurer is to ensure proper and frequent communication to ensure the flow of business is not halted.
10. Ensure the safe keep of financial records are properly maintained and stored in a location known and approved by the executive members.
11. Immediately identify any financial irregularities and bring to the attention of the board member.
12. Collect and distribute all incoming Association mail.Erika Valardo
1. Shall maintain registration information and fee status of all players registered with the CPMHA including preparation of all documentation required by HEO and Hockey Canada, and shall pass a copy of all such information to the President and Treasurer.
2. Collect the designated 'member' for each registration and in conjunction with the Secretary to maintain the membership list.
3. Shall sort names of registrants by age groups and forward to the Level Convenors.
4. Shall keep a general list of all registrants.
5. Shall be responsible for the administration of Hockey Canada registration and insurance.
6. Shall supply the District Registrar and league officials with team lists as per District and league regulations.
7. Shall ensure that transfer requests are actioned appropriately and in a timely manner.
8. Ensures all volunteers are current in their certification.
9. Liaison with other branch and associations registrars in order for the flow of business is not halted. Drew Leger
1. Shall be responsible for all hockey equipment owned by the Association and may appoint assistants.
2. Shall maintain an accurate inventory of all equipment owned by CPMHA.
3. Shall be responsible for issuing and tracking of CPMHA equipment.
4. Shall arrange for the cleaning and repairing of equipment prior to storing upon approval of the Executive.
5. Shall maintain an updated inventory of equipment for Association records.
6. Shall be responsible for a budget determining requirements for new equipment for the following year.
7. Shall be responsible for emergency purchases, when required, upon approval of the Executive.
8. Shall ensure that all equipment issued to respective teams and players is returned immediately following the playing season.Robert Jennings
1. Shall be responsible for the administration and operation of the CPMHA Risk and Safety program.
2. Shall coordinate Association Risk and Safety initiatives.
3. Beresponsible for the coordination, reporting, and record keeping pertaining to accident and/or injury claims/reports.
4. Ensure compliance with the Canadian Hockey Association Handbook.
5. Provides support and direction to CPMHA members on Risk and Safety issues.
6. Shall be responsible to ensure all safety programs, policies, initiatives and directives of Hockey Canada, the HEO and District 4 are communicated to the CPMHA Executive.
7. Identifies and communicates identified risks to CPMHA membership and makes suggestions as to action required to correct the problem.
8. Maintains a close working relationship with coaches to ensure safety programs, policies and directives are being adhered to.
9. Ensures confidentiality in all matters pertaining to Risk and Safety concerns.
10. Provides direction and support to CPMHA on matters of Harassment and Abuse
11. Investigates and documents all matters pertaining to allegations of Harassment and/or Abuse.
12. Provides recommendations to the President and VP Operations in regard to complaint investigations.
13. Promotes, educates, and communicates Fair Play in the sport of minor hockey.
14. Sits as a member of the CPMHA hearing committee in matters related to violations.
15. Promotes the use of a signed "Code of Conduct" for all coaches, players, managers, on-ice officials and parents.
16. Interacts-as required-with the District 4 Risk and Safety officer.
17. Attends monthly District Risk and Safety meetings and reports back to CPMHA Executive.
18. Provides updates to District Risk and Safety Officer as required.Melanie Viau
1. Shall in conjunction with the President and Ice Scheduler be responsible for setting the CPMHA annual tournament dates and submitting them to the HEO office to ensure that they are officially sanctioned.
2. Will set the tournament format and rules in consultation with the president and VP Hockey Operation.
3. Will ensure all teams participating in the tournaments have received the schedule and tournament rules.
4. Shall ensure compliance with all rules set out by HEO for tournaments : Sanctioning a Tournament | Hockey Eastern Ontario
5. Shall work with CPMHA treasurer to ensure team registration fee is collected before registration in tournament is confirmed.
6. Will work with level convenors and team managers to review expectations and responsibilities of host teams.
7. Will be the prime contact for local tournaments as listed in HEO. Will field calls of interest from teams wishing to participate in our local tournaments.
8. Shall ensure that all CPMHA team officials are aware of the current Tournament Policy between the Town of Carleton Place and the CPMHA concerning events held at the Carleton Place Arena. Represents the CPMHA in discussions with Town Officials regarding any revisions to the Tournament Policy
9. Coordinate all CPMHA events such as the year- end banquet.