Affiliates (Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association)


For a complete list of affiliations policies and procedures, see the D4 website (LINK). 

  • Affiliation applies to games only. Players do not need to be affiliated in order to practice with a higher division or category team, provided they are rostered at the lower division or category. A CPMHA team may only affiliate from other CPMHA teams. 

  • A team may affiliate up to a maximum of 19 players. The deadline for adding affiliates to any roster is Feb 15 of any given season.

  • A player may be affiliated to only one team within a category (i.e. A, B, C, etc.).

  • Player affiliation must follow the eligibilities outlined in the D4 affiliation eligibility chart.

  • A skater may play a maximum of 15 games with each team to which they are affiliated. Only regular season and playoff games count toward a player’s affiliated game count.

  • Goalies have no limits on affiliated game counts.
Affiliation Process
  • The affiliating coach must seek interest/approval to affiliate from the candidate player, followed by approval from the player's primary team coach. The affiliating coach must contact the CPMHA registrar to request that the player be added to their team’s official team roster as an affiliate. The  level convenor should be cc'd for awareness. We recommend that participating parties maintain email threads as records of compliance. 

  • Prior to the game, the affiliating coach must seek the approval of the player’s primary coach to use the player in the specified game. Following the game, the affiliating coach must notify the player’s primary coach that the player had participated in the game. 
Release or Transfer of an Affiliated Player
  • To release an affiliated player means to give up all affiliation rights relating to the player. The affiliating coach must inform the affiliate player and the player’s primary coach that the player is being released. The affiliating coach must also contact the Registrar and request that the affiliate player be removed from their official roster

  • A player’s affiliation may be transferred between teams in the same category following the steps for affiliate player release and acquisition.