Team Fees & Budgets (Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association)

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Team Bank Account
All teams must open one team bank account, for which two signatories are required. This is typically the Team Manager and the Treasurer. The signatories cannot be from the same family. The account must be in the name of the team, not an individual. A letter of request to open a team account will be provided by the CPMHA Treasurer or VP, Admin. Any payments or reimbursements owed to a team from the CPMHA will be made by cheque made out to the team only.
Team Fees
Team fees collected from each family must be deposited into the team account. Team fees must not exceed $200 per player, and must be deposited directly into the team bank account.
Team fees are to be used to pay tournament registration fees and/or for team activities. All activities or events funded by the team must be open to all members of the team. Team fees should not be used to purchase gear or ‘swag’. 
Team Budget
The Team Manger is responsible for creating the team budget. The Head Coach and Manager should come to the parent meeting with options for tournaments and a team fee budget in mind in order to cover these anticipated cost(s).
While the team fees are not to be used to cover additional travel expenses such as hotels, food, etc. for away tournaments, it’s important to advise parents whether there will be these types of additional expenses so that families can plan accordingly.
The team must submit a team budget to the CPMHA Treasurer for review by October 31. Any parent of a player may request a copy of the current budget and account statement at any time during the season.
Teams are asked to be sensitive to the economic situation of ALL families on the team.  Team Management are asked not to make special needs public and to be considerate of all situations when setting team fees and fundraising goals and efforts. Should any member of your team require financial assistance for team fees, please contact your level Convenor, who will discretely discuss this matter with the CPMHA Executive.
A sponsorship arrangement is one in which the sponsoring business requires something in return for their financial contribution, such as advertising or promotion. Teams can obtain sponsorships from businesses as part of their fundraising activities. The Association will not permit sponsorship from any businesses that may reflect poorly on or do not reflect the values of the Association. Any sponsor relationship requires a sponsorship agreement, which must be reviewed by the CPMHA Executive prior to signing. Sponsor bars cannot be attached to team jerseys as the CPMHA has an exclusive Association-wide jersey sponsor.

Sponsorship vs. donation. If a business or individual is making a financial contribution without the expectation of anything in return, this is considered a donation. No contract or agreement is required. Receipts can be given however these are not tax receipts as CPMHA is not a registered charity.
Any fundraising activities must be approved by the CPMHA prior to occurrence. There are a number of activities that are not allowed as per HEO’s insurance policy. Also refer to policies regarding lottery licenses should the fundraising event involve a lottery or raffle of any kind.
Unspent Funds
The Treasurer is responsible at the end of the season for closing the team account and returning all unspent funds to parents. Parents have the right to view account records at any time during the season.