Reporting An Injury (Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association)

PrintReporting An Injury
What to do if a CPMHA player is injured on the ice

A Hockey Canada insurance form and injury report must be completed in the following cases:

  • a player or team official is injured during a game and misses more than one period;
  • a player or team official is injured during a practice or other association sanctioned function and requires medical attention; and
  • a player or team official reports an injury after the fact (e.g. a player is injured during a game and continues to play, however, visits a doctor the next day for the injury)
It is imperative that the Injury Report Form is completed in a timely manner to ensure that any potential insurance claims are dealt with appropriately.

If there is an injury that meets the above criteria, the CPMHA requests that Risk and Safety be notified as soon as possible at [email protected]. Please forward a copy of the Injury Report Form.

The Injury Report is filled out for statistical purposes, and submitting details are located at the bottom of the form. This "Injury Report" is designed to provide organized hockey in Ontario with the critical information on hockey injuries that is required to permit the hockey bodies in Ontario to discuss possible changes to enhance safety in the game of hockey. Note: All player information of personal or injury nature that is recorded on this form is considered to be confidential, and is not to be used in any manner to determine a player's future ability to play the game.

Deliver the original partially completed "Canadian Hockey Injury Report" to the injured player's parents/guardians to finish filling out the details. Explain to them that this form is used to register a potential claim for expenses related to the injury, should the parents/guardians incur expenses not covered through 1) provincial health coverage, or 2) by personal insurance through their employer. When completed, they should mail the form within 90 days to the HEO offices, along with any original receipts.

For more information on reporting an injury, please visit the following link which will direct you to the HEO website. (LINK)

Mailing Address:

Hockey Eastern Ontario
1247 Kilborn Place, Suite D300
Ottawa, ON
K1H 6K9

Note: Keep a copy of all documentation submitted to HEO.