Health And Safety (Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association)

PrintHealth And Safety
Medical Information Sheets
Every player must have a completed Medical Information Sheet (LINK), and the Team Trainer must have these accessible at every team function, including but not limited to games, practices, and tournaments.
Rowan's Law:
Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, Ontario, passed away in 2013 from second impact syndrome due to multiple concussions suffered within a short period of time. A coroner's in-quest into her death resulted in 49 recommendations to be implemented in an effort to prevent another tragedy such as this from happening in the future. Rowan's Law, which passed unanimously at the Ontario Legislature on 7 June, 2016, is designed to put these recommendations into action.

10 and under concussion awareness resource;
11-14 concussion awareness resource; and
15 and over concussion awareness resource.

You can obtain a copy of the HEO Rowan's Law Acknowledgement Form (LINK) from HEO's website, or from your level convenor. Please Note: The Acknowledgement Form must be submitted to your level convenor before your player steps on the ice - NO EXCEPTIONS. The health and safety of our members is our top priority. HEO has also created a Rowan's Law Implementation FAQ (LINK) for more information.
HEO Concussion Return to Play Protocol
When a potential concussion or significant injury has occurred, the player, in collaboration with the team Trainer, must follow HEO's Return to Play Protocol (LINK).
HEO Minor Risk and Safety Policies
There are a number of important risk and safety policies that all participants and parents/guardians should be aware of. Please refer to the HEO Minor Risk and Safety Adopted Policies (LINK) for more information.